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visit from school group

School Visits

Our Green Tree Farm visits are totally FREE

If you can get them here the rest is free!

Suitable for school age from 4-16.

Our Farm visits can be tailored around the curriculum and the topic you are covering in school or it can be a special trip.

Children all get to have up close contact with the farm animals, tractor and trailer ride (weather dependent). We have lunch up at our Forest school site where we build a camp fire and toast marshmallows.
There is always lots of wonderful nature encounters to have and every season has something exciting to learn about.

Lunch is not provided but marshmallows and all activitie equipment is.
We have several under covered areas, changing areas to get out of waterproofs and welly’s, several wash hand stations and a welly wash.
There are camping toilets available both on the farm and up at our forest school site.

Pre school risk assessment visits are welcome and all our health and safety policies, safe guarding and insurance is up to date and can be found on the website

To book please contact -

At your Forest School

For schools with your own area, Green Tree Adventures can come to you as freelance forest school practitioners and lead a variety of sessions that can be linked into the curriculum. We can discuss ideas and plan sessions around your school's needs. Sessions of 1 or 2 hours can be booked as a one off, or in blocks of 6 weeks. After-school clubs can also be arranged.



£100 for a one-off session. Reduced rates for block bookings

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